How to Use Cards For Masculinity

“Adults’ respect and seriousness help to convey openness to boys’ ideals, as do questions that give boys a chance to experiment with those ideals. There is in most boys a yearning to be something more than they are.”
— Adam Cox, Author of 'Cracking the Boy Code: How to Understand and Talk with Boys'


The cards are divided into five categories that loosely follow the three pillars of our youth programming: Self, Health, and Others. Look for the symbol at the top of each card to indicate which category it belongs to. Use a single category to follow a particular theme in your discussion, or shuffle them together to mix it up.


Ways to Play

The different ways to use this deck are endless. Mixing up the rules can add energy, focus and depth. Whatever you do, make it yours.


Draw a card from the deck or category, and share your answer by telling a story or explaining your perspective. When someone else is sharing, practice active listening.

Try to go deeper than one-word answers. If you don’t want to answer, try to explain why.


Have one person draw a card, and then everyone takes turns answering its question. See where the conversation takes you.

Hot Seat

Everyone draws five cards each. Each person chooses a card that they want answered and hands that card to the person whose turn it is. The person whose turn it is chooses one of the questions to answer. The rest of the cards get put back in the deck.

Race to the Bottom

Everyone draws five cards each. After an agreed-upon signal, everyone throws down a card in the middle of the table. The person whose card is on top answers the card on the bottom.

Got a story about how you’ve used this card deck? Get in touch and let us know!