The Rite of Passage Expeditions Project

Real growth, the kind of growth that changes you from a boy to a man, doesn’t happen in isolation from others—it happens primarily through and within our relationships with those who know us best. The question, then, is less about when you become a man, but with whom you become a man.
— Jonathon Reed, Director of Programs

Build a foundation as solid as bedrock.

At some point as you watch your son growing up, you start seeing early reflections of the young man he’s going to become. It’s rewarding, but also worrying—how do you soften the hard edges of boyhood? How do you stay present amidst powerful cultural norms about what it means to be a man?

One of the most important things you can do is provide him with opportunities to develop resilience and self-confidence by forming meaningful relationships and taking on new challenges.

We call this the Rite of Passage Expeditions Project—where connection, reflection, challenge and adventure help youth build a strong foundation for their future.

French River Delta Canoe Trip

  • July 1-5, 2024
  • Middle school students only
  • 6 total spaces
  • $649 ($649 $555 for Next Gen Menbers)
  • Join a fun and memorable five-day flatwater backcountry canoe expedition in the picturesque French River delta on the northwestern shore of Georgian Bay.

5 spots remaining!

Mount Willis Backpacking Trip

  • July 13-19, 2024
  • 12 total spaces
  • $899 ($899 $765 for Next Gen Menbers)
  • Become part of Next Gen Men’s return to the glacier-fed lake at Cataract Pass on this 30-40 km backcountry hiking trip in the unforgettable Rocky Mountains near Jasper National Park.

7 spots remaining!

Mount Assiniboine Thru-Hike

  • July 22-28, 2024
  • High school students only
  • 9 total spaces
  • $899 ($899 $765 for Next Gen Menbers)
  • Push yourself on an awe-inspiring 55 km backpacking trek through Banff National Park to Mount Assiniboine, a UNESCO World Heritage site known as ‘the Matterhorn of the Rockies.’

0 spots remaining

With a trip you can trust.


Rite of Passage Expeditions participants rated their experience on past trips an average of 4.6 out of 5.

100% of past participants said they felt physically safe on their wilderness expedition.

100% of past participants said they felt like they could trust the people around them on their trip.

77% of past participants said they gained a better sense of who they are and the person they could become.

92% of past participants said they found the trip’s activities to be meaningful to their growth.

100% of past participants said they had a fun and enjoyable experience on their trip.



We know that the care of your child is a big decision—if you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

  • The safety of our youth is our highest priority.

    Our Program Manager and trip leader, Jonathon Reed, is qualified as a Wilderness First Responder and National Lifeguard and will be prepared for emergency evacuation procedures. Trip co-leaders will have a minimum of Bronze Cross and vulnerable sector screening. Trip participants will be expected to wear a PFD/lifejacket while on or in the water.

  • Our trips are designed to foster a positive experience in the outdoors—rather than a rugged ‘toughen up’ challenge—which means they are beginner-friendly and youth don’t need previous camp experience. That being said, it helps if youth participants have an enthusiastic attitude about undertaking a new adventure. They will be sleeping in an unfamiliar environment away from home, and that can be scary.

    In order to help ease into the experience, the backpacking trips begin and end at a basecamp, where we will have access to much-appreciated amenities like toilets and showers.

  • Trip participants will be expected to provide their own shoes, clothing and outerwear. Canoeing- and camping-specific gear like PFD/lifejackets, canoe paddles, sleeping bags and sleeping pads can be provided for those who do not have their own—let us know!

  • The wellbeing and safety of our youth participants is our highest priority and we take the consequences of COVID exposure very seriously.

    Next Gen Men strongly recommends that all participants and staff in our programs be vaccinated against COVID-19, including any booster doses as recommended by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Alberta Health Services.

    We will ask that all participants commit to reducing their risk of exposure for five days prior to their trip. We will require all participants to receive two negative rapid tests at least 24 hours apart before the NGM trip departure. We will require all participants to undergo a pre-trip screening, with anyone symptomatic staying home.

    Masks will be welcome while indoors and during transportation, but not required. Tent groups will remain the same in order to minimize risk of exposure. Trip leaders will have additional rapid tests and masks available. We will engage in ongoing surveillance with regards to COVID symptoms. At the onset of symptoms, participants will be isolated. After a half-day of ongoing, additional or worsening symptoms, or two positive rapid tests, the trip will be evacuated in order to minimize risk of exposure. Parents/guardians will be notified.

    Please note that our COVID-19 precautions may change based on requirements from the relevant official health agencies. Reach out if you have any particular questions or concerns.

  • Next Gen Men supports schools in implementing programs with students and professional development for educators on topics like gender stereotypes, mental health and healthy relationships. At first glance it’s stuff that guys don’t normally talk about, but every group we’ve been with has been interested in the topics and the way we present them.