Posts tagged Engaged
How Does Negative Self-Talk Impact Our Ability to Care?

Many of us struggle with criticizing, belittling, and judging ourselves. We’ll tell ourselves negative stories like “I’m stupid”, “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t deserve them”. But does our negative self-talk truly serve us and our communities in our journey toward equity? Does trashing ourselves lend itself well to belonging, connection, or taking an active role in improving our communities? Probably not — so what’s the alternative?

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Why Men’s Relationships Benefit from Feminism

A sweeping complaint in the manosphere is about how "feminism has ruined relationships and families". There’s an awful lot of hand-wringing about the “collapse of the nuclear family” the disappearance of “traditional family values” and in the case of some groups, a lot of anger directed at women for having… well, choices. I want to explore what’s at the root of this belief and break it down. Because I would argue that patriarchal models for relationships actually harm everyone (men included) and feminist principles provide us with a path to healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

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